March 27th, Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 PM at Barrett Family Wellness Center
Presenter: Phyllis Barrett Samara, OTR/L, Founder and Certified SI Therapist
Click Here for the Video Promotion of this Free Workshop in .wmv format
Click Here for the Video Promotion of this Free Workshop on You Tube
Many do not fully understand what Sensory Integration (SI) is and how it affects a child’s social and emotional well-being. We would like to invite you to learn more about SI and the warning signs that often accompany the disorder.
This workshop is an informative presentation on the theory behind SI and the role of occupational therapy. Participants will gain an understanding of the disorder by learning the theoretical aspects of SI. From who first diagnosed the disorder to what physiological processes we believe cause the disorder. Additionally, how instrumental OT has been in bringing this disorder to the forefront.
Participants will come away with a clear understanding of SI; they will learn how it effects children in different environments, how to recognize the warning signs and techniques that can be implemented in the home and at school.
Please note that our SI workshop is intended to be an introduction to SI and therapists seeking certification in SI need to contact SII or WPS.
This is a FREE WORKSHOP, but pre-registration is required. Please call (508) 898-2688.