Phyllis Barrett Samara, OTR/L, is the founder of Barrett Family Wellness Center. She is also a Certified Sensory Integration Therapist.
Barrett’s dedication to the wellness of the client and their family
extends out into the community. We are excited for the opportunity to
support the Jewish Community Center’s needs-based scholarships for
children while at the same time helping to introduce Sensory
Integration. We hope you will join us!
Introduction to Sensory Integration Workshop
All proceeds to fund needs-based scholarships for children at the Jewish
Community Center (JCC)
October 18, 2012, 6:30-8:30PM (Thursday)
At the JCC, 45 Oak Street, Westborough, MA
Many do not fully understand what Sensory Integration (SI) is
and how it affects a child’s social and emotional well-being. We would
like to invite you to learn more about SI and the warning signs that
often accompany the disorder. Cost for JCC Members is $12/person,
$20/couple; Non-members is $18/person, $25/couple. Please call the JCC
to register at 508-366-6121 x24 or email