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Deep Touch Protocol, developed by Pat Wilbarger and formally referred to as the Brushing Program, addresses children that are sensory defensive. Sensory defensiveness in short is the over reaction of our protective senses, which are also known as the fight/flight mechanism of the human body.
The body’s protective senses alert us to danger. Such as a potential fall or to the fact that a bug is crawling on our skin. Sensory defensiveness in children often brings about unexplained behaviors that parents can find both odd and frightening. Parents cannot explain why their child suddenly becomes withdrawn, sometimes overactive, emotional or labile. Without proper treatment these children can develop a behavior pattern dominated by this defensiveness, which can lead to other social and emotional symptoms.
This program is designed to bring an individual’s protective senses into order in the hope of establishing a balanced sensory system. Our treatment approach uses a rapid and firm pressure touch to the arms, hands, back, legs and feet with a non-scratching brush. This is followed by a gentle joint compression.
We also offer a monthly Workshop for parents, educators and therapists. The workshop will go into much greater detail and explain what brushing is and how it affects your child.